Lethal Conveniences…
I’m going to say this right off the bat…for F@#&$ sake, what on earth is going on?! On Earth, yeah it’s been happening ON earth but what’s gone down is out of this world!
Everywhere I look we all just seem to be fast asleep, either we truely are oblivious to everything or we are laying there pretending to be asleep with one eye half open as we lay in bed with the monsters themselves.
Lethal Conveniences…is what’s taking everything away from us while we “sleep” or while we pretend to be sleeping.
I’ve been exploring this topic in my mind over the last few years and will be honest in saying that I’ve been fighting (in my mind that is!) with some of the research that I’ve come across…those fights where you try to find an answer but the answer comes from a place of ego…you know the ones, whether you admit it or not you’ve had some of these yourself!
What took all of this to the next level for me and punched me right between the eyes was the light bulb realisation moment I had a few weeks ago at a work training session with my colleagues.
So for a few years now I’ve worked for a company called Solar Schools here in Brisbane and most recently have been doing some work for a non-for-profit called Zero Positive. If you’re at all interested in the state of our planet (I mean you live on this planet right! No sustainable planet = no you!) I suggest you check out the links to these businesses above. Education is truely key when it comes to making change to anything really so be sure to check out what they do. Now, back to where this was leading to!
So a few weeks back I was with the Zero Positive team doing a Strategy Session with The Strategy Guy himself, John Hale, when halfway through the session I had that light bulb realisation moment. It was more like a flashing red (with sirens!) bulb and not the cute yellow pretty ones you see in cartoons, it was a worrying light bulb, at least to me anyway and this is EXACTLY what came to my mind…
“If the majority of people don’t think twice, don’t care, turn a blind eye and reach for Lethal Conveniences when it comes to what they consume orally which directly effects their health then why the f@$& would they think twice, care, pay attention and make a better choice when it comes to the health of our Planet, when it comes to our beautiful and giving Mother Earth?”
It was at this point that I felt quite deflated and defeated to be honest. Had I not been surrounded by these inspirational change makers who work positively and tirelessly no matter what barriers are placed in front of them, I think I would have cocooned myself in bed for about a week or so to hibernate. Seriously, I get why so many turn the other way when it comes to spearheading into uncomfortable realisations. I mean, if you don’t have people around you who are committed to asking questions, finding answers and going against the grain when it comes to optimal physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing AND, the optimal wellbeing of our planet then it can become difficult to stay on track. So hard that it’s easier to stay asleep…I get it.
I need you to trust me at this point. If you are one of those people that have gone back to bed next to the monster of Lethal Conveniences because at least there you don’t feel so alone believe me, there ARE many, many, MANY people, communities and businesses of good people exploring, learning and changing towards the highest power of good for themselves and our planet…you are NOT alone! But, before we explore this a little further, fast forward to the 7:20 minute mark on the video below and take a look…
I filmed that about an hour ago at my local supermarket. But chances are that if you go to your local supermarket it will look very similar if not the same. Aisles after aisles of what we call food but, it’s far from being food! To make things a little clearer I searched the “Definition of Food” for you, this is what came up…
Let’s go one step further, what does the “trusty” Oxford Dictionary’s definition of Nutritious say…
Ok but wait a up, I was not expecting to read “efficient as food”, what does that even mean?! Well based on the Medical Dictionary it means “The relative ability of a food source to contribute to weight gain, weight maintenance, or growth and development.” So that’s why the burgers, donuts and juices…as long as we are getting fatter and maintaining that fat then we are good right? And for the growth and development, do they mean the tumorous and cancerous types of growth which are developing out of control as our “food” gets more and more convenient yet more and more toxic? Ummmm
The supermarket aisles you just saw is proof of legal nastiness in plain sight. Why is it illegal for you and I to sell drugs on the corner (not that I would! lol) but NOT illegal for them to sell poisons in plain sight? Seriously, if there is one aisle in the supermarket that’s called “Health” what does that make the rest of aisles? Sickness? Now that I would agree with because that’s what most of the processed and over processed foods cause, sickness!
Check this out…
On top of how products like this effects our health, what about all of the packaging, how does all of that effect the health of the planet? The physical pain we are inflicting on ourselves by consuming these Lethal Convenience doesn’t stop with us, it trickles on to inflict pain on our Planet too. Think about it…
Can you see why that big red flashing light bulb moment hit me right between the eyes?!
These Lethal Conveniences that you and I have been reaching for have us onboard the train fast approaching “Sick Station”, if we don’t get off at the next station we will (if we are not already) be in a world of pain come our later years in life. We can physically see some of the devastation that these Lethal Conveniences are also having on our planet. By getting off at the next platform you’ll be choosing to get curious and regain your power when it comes to making conscious and informed choices about yours and the planets optimal health.
What was that? I just heard you think out loud and you said “oh but I’m only one person, my changes won’t do much” to which i say Bull$hit! It’s that kind of thinking that has gotten us in this current state! Your small yet concious changes DO matter and they DO make a difference!
Oh, was that you thinking out loud again?! “But we only live once, so I’m not giving up those Lethal yet yummy Conveniences” My dear friend, if you only live once don’t you want that life to be the BEST it can be? One that is pain free, joyful, happy and healthy?! Or do you want to live that one life in a sick planet and in a sick and hurting body? I know change is time consuming and that at times a healthier choice can be little more expensive but this is how it is…you either choose to dedicate some time and money to making small yet vital changes now or…you may be forced to take the time and spend a whole lot more money in trying to regain yours and the earths health later. The first is a choice towards prevention, the second…will be necessary to survive even if it means surviving in pain.
I have no doubt that this entry has caused some discomfort for you and probably sounds like there’s no way out, a bit depressing really. The thing is, most of humanity won’t act on something until they are in some sort of pain or discomfort. It could be “small pain” of not fitting into last years jeans or a bigger hurt like being diagnosed with an incurable DISeas. It may be a small discomfort of a slightly hotter summer or a bigger dagger like a whole island burning down and killing hundreds. It’s only then that people are known to act but why, why wait for the pain if you have a chance of preventing it?
My experience with all of this is that once I began to get curious and look into things, door after door began to open. Some doors lead to information I didn’t want to know about for the simple fact that if I knew I’d then have to make a choice between a “convenience” and a healthier me/planet. Luckily I’m a tad bit rebellious lol Add the stubbornness that my mother handed down to me and I can get pretty focused at making change when I find out someone or something has been pulling the wool over my eyes. So, slowly yet steadily I’ve been on the education train to “Wellbeing Station” where along the way I’m passing “Ancestor Station”, “Trial and Error Station”, “Uncomfortable Station, “Observe Station”, “Research Station”, “Change Station” and many more where I am learning, evolving and moving towards wellbeing. And when I get there, I won’t stop, nope, it’s when we stop that we stagnate giving the opportunity to fall “asleep” yet again. Like Mother Earth we are forever changing and evolving so the growth will continue until my last earthly breath.
As the weeks and months go by, I’ll share with you what I’ve done so far and what I am experimenting with and researching in the hope that it will give you ideas and tools to ponder the choice of whether you too want to make your way to “Wellbeing Station” on the education train.
There will be things on technology, nutrition, medicine, lifestyle, consumerism, everything that contributes to the ill health of our bodies and planet, things you can choose to change, things you can choose to focus on to create a different path.
I will share personal experiences, books, podcasts, conversations, mistakes and wins so that you don’t feel so alone on your own journey if you choose to buy at ticket at the station. But what I won’t do is tell you how to live your life, only you have the power to do that, do you agree? If you said yes then please, take your power back because at the moment you don’t have it…the government, media, medical and society…they all have it, you make what you think is your choices based on what they tell you & sell you…just look around and you’ll understand exactly what I mean.
I’m going to leave you with two resources to start with:
FAT: A Documentary & FAT: A Documentary 2
FAT tells the far-fetched but completely true history of how our country became so unhealthy. In 1970, just over 1.5 million people had been diagnosed with Diabetes in the United States. Now over 30 million have Diabetes. What's even more alarming is that 100 million people, 1 in 3, have Diabetes or are Pre-Diabetic. This is not to mention the 40% of the population that are obese. How is this possible with the non-stop flow of new diets, exercise machines and our general obsession with health and weight loss? We're as unhealthy as ever. The truth is that we have pretty much had everything completely upside-down and backwards. FAT traces a detailed history spanning 150 years to show how misinformation and outright lies have become "truth."
Braiding Sweetgrass
”Braiding Sweetgrass explores reciprocal relationships between humans and the land, with a focus on the role of plants and botany in both Native American and Western traditions. The book received largely positive reviews, and has appeared on several bestseller lists.”Remember you’re not alone in this, find your tribe, there are many people on the Education Train to overall (body & planet) wellness, get on board.
Want to discuss, find out out more or share ideas on this topic? Reach out at hello@echoez.com.au
With Kindness,