Look Up…

It's come to my attention (on a daily basis) the amount of magic that takes place every single second of every single day! I mean, the only reason I am able to write this at this very moment is because my body is doing something magical that allows me to watch words show up on the screen as a result of my fingers pressing down on letters that my brain happens to be telling it to press! Say whaaat?! haha Seriously though, think about it.

"Falling in awe" is what I like to call it, it's the moment where respect is mixed with fear or wonder and it results in exhilaration at the magic unfolding before my eyes or within me. There is one catch though, falling in awe only happens when I…

Look Up...yes, when I am looking up and out. That’s when I can truly see and "fall in awe" all over again with the beauty and magic of the planet and people including...myself.

What got me to this point? Well, for months on end now I have hurt, felt $hitty and at times even cried in the shower at this feeling of disappointment and sadness stemmed from the fact the majority of humans have their "eyes down". What do I mean by that? I mean that people are more interested and invested on the people & characters they see on a cold glass screen than the warmth of the people or person standing in front of them with a beating heart.

But, the law of the universe has it that hearts...DON'T beat forever...ponder on that if you will and how it makes you feel.

The picture above is a typical train ride to work, it’s what I see day in and day out. EVERYONE has their eyes down on a device as life passes them by…literally. Sad is an understatement.

For me it means that I cannot let another second go by without making changes. Changes that will allow me to soak up the "hearts beating" around me...living with regret for "choosing" technology over my loved ones, life's magic and myself is NOT something I want to live with. I cannot convince him, her, my family, friends or YOU to have your Eyes Up" but...I CAN look up myself. I cannot make people change (that's not my responsibility) but, I can BE the change and, I can BE it for the simple purpose of connecting with people and the planet in a much deeper way. So, I made a promise, a promise to myself that...

I Roberta Lettieri will BE the change I want to see and to do that I will keep my...EYES UP!

I've been practicing 'Eyes Up' for a few months now on my way to work and at home. How? Well, on my hour long commute (drive + walk + train ride + walk again) to work (and back again) I will not "zombie out" by looking down at a device...instead I do one, or all, of the following:

  • Call a family member or friend for a chat.

  • Listen to a podcast as I look out the train window.

  • Acknowledge people with a smile as they walk past.

  • Actively look out for and acknowledge the beauty of nature eg plants, trees, flowers, butterfly's, bugs etc

  • Stop to look into the eyes of little animals walking/waddling by eg ducks, birds, cats, dogs etc (yes crazy here does also talk to them lol).

  • Read an actual book. Not much actual 'Eyes Up' happening here lol BUT, I choose books that help me soul search, learn and look within.

  • Meditate with the sun on my face. No, I don't chant on the train as I sway backwards and forth! I'm weird but not THAT weird! haha I sit next to the window on the train and focus on a sound/s while I look out the window feeling the suns warmth on my face :)

In doing this I have "seen" sooooo much lately! Some things are actual "things" and others are more like sensations and realisations within. Either way, I'm loving it! Every day I "fall in awe" more and more and get excited at what I'll see either with my physical eyes or with the one that still beats inside of me...my heart.

For those of you that don't know, I love love LOVE photography. In my late teens and early twenties, I actually studied photography. Unfortunately, some years back I had to sell my SLR camera but...that did not stop me from getting creative with my iPhone camera. To incorporate my old passion of photography with this new sensation of falling in awe through "Eyes Up", I've decided to capture (when possible) some of the beautiful, funny, mind blowing, authentic & inspiring "things" (people, animals, nature etc) I see in the process. I plan to share (on this site) the weeks photographs and videos once a week (either Saturday or Sunday). I will also share any quotes that resonated with me that week, exerts from book/s that I am reading and links to podcasts that I feel have taught me something, even if it is something small.

For those of you who are curious and or want to get a glimpse of what I’m “seeing” with my Eyes Up feel free to subscribe here to get access to the Eyes Up page. Why a subscription? Why not free? Two reasons...firstly if it were free, you wouldn’t think twice about leaving the "beating heart" in your life waiting while you looked through my content. True or...true?! Remember...hearts don't beat forever...here one moment, gone the next. So, I would MUCH rather you go practice Eyes Up and fall in awe yourself! Secondly, the choice is yours! Regardless what some "people" say, you are entitled to make an informed choice so, if you CHOOSE to subscribe some of the money will be directed to my son's journey, click here to find out more.

Can you hear that? No? That’s because another heart stoped…forever.

I really hope you too begin to practice Eyes Up every chance you get and, fall in awe with the magic of people and the planet before the very last…beat.

With Kindness,

Roberta Lettieri


Queen B…


Our Majesties…